General Call for Papers for the Journal

The periodical „Consortio – Journal of Economics, Social Sciences, Law and Education” is an interdisciplinary scientific journal, the purpose of which is to discuss important problems in selected fields of science and to present practices; researchers, experts and decision-makers of the latest knowledge on the condition and prospects for the development of economy, social policy, social economy, pedagogy and education, sociology, law and regional policy throughout Europe, with particular emphasis on Eastern and Central Europe, as well as Israel and Turkey. Our journal is registered in Poland as scientific journal and its ISSN number is: Publisher number ISSN 2956-820X.

For our issue of the journal, we invite papers from the researchers worldwide in the social sciences and law. For issue, we still offer for all the researchers special discounted offer for publishing free of charge. All articles will undergo double blind peer-review proces.

We especially invite:

– articles which use quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods of research;

– articles with the emphasis on the Eastern Partnership, Turkey and Israel issues;

– theoretical cross-disciplinary articles in the social sciences;

– develop and advance knowledge in the fields of economy, social policy, social economy, pedagogy and education, sociology, law and regional policy throughout Europe;

– related to the conducted or on-going projects within the framework of Erasmus Plus Programme or Horizon Europe Programme;

– scientific book reviews in relevant fields;

Additional information about scientific board of our journal, you can find here: About Us | Wydawnictwo FZZpublishing .

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through electronic proces of submission to email: [email protected] .
Articles should meet international APA standards.
All authors will receive notification of reception of the article for the review.

Publication rules.pdf

We hope that you will consider submitting articles for Consortio Journal.


Zbigniew Dąbrowski
